Saturday, 1 September 2007

Music to your ears?

by Abbas Alidina

Music is present throughout the world, and is central
to defining and differentiating between varying
cultures as well as religious beliefs. Music has become
instilled as part of our everyday lives in
Western Society, played in cars, homes, restaurants
and shopping centres. With the development of
technology, people are constantly listening to music
on the go, using CD players, mp3 players and iPods,
making music one of the largest industries in the
world, with artists making millions writing songs, &
consumers spending thousands purchasing them.

Scholars in Islam unanimously agree that the majority
of genres of music are haram. Yet in society
today, most youths tend to see music as a so-called
“lesser sin”, listening to it at home, in their cars,
and even while watching TV, without thinking of
the consequences and effects this may have on
their mind, body and soul.

Ayatullah Shirazi writes in his book “Greater Sins,”
that playing instruments and listening to music is
classified as the 15th Greatest Sin in Islam which
was confirmed by Imam Ali ar-Rida (a.s.) who said
“to be engrossed in musical instruments is also a
Greater Sin.” The Holy Prophet has said, “Allah has
sent me as a mercy to the worlds, to guide the people.
And He ordered me to eradicate the playing of flute
and other instruments of music.” Yet youths question
the judgement of our Prophet and Imams by defying
their orders – in turn defying Allah – and continue
to listen to music. A sin such as music is one
which is amplified and leads to even greater sin. By
affecting your mind and influencing your desires,
music can lead to sins as grave as adultery.
Imam Ali (as) has been quoted as saying, “Angels
do not even enter a house that has wine, drum,
tambourine or a flute. Even the prayers of the inhabitants
of this house are unacceptable. They are deprived
of barakat.”

I ask those who listen to music,
how can the angels record any of our good acts
if they cannot enter our house? Your good deeds,
as well as those of your family are all wasted.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (as) has said “The playing of
violin promotes the growth of hypocrisy in the heart
like water assists the growth of vegetation (algae).” It is
no wonder that those who listen to music pray
their Salaat, and recite in Sura Fateha “Keep us on
the right path. The path of those whom Thou hast
favoured; Not the pat) of those who earn your anger,
nor of those who go astray” only to go and turn the
music back on within 5 minutes – a sign that their
hearts are already filled with hypocrisy.

Imam Ali ar-Rida (a.s.) said, “A person invites Divine
wrath when in his house instruments like flute, drum
and chess are played for forty days. If this man dies
within these forty days, his death would be of a
sinner and a transgressor. His place shall be in Hell.
And what a dreadful place it is!”

Not only are we destroying our own souls by filling
our heart with hypocrisy, we are causing those
living in our household to suffer for our sins, by
depriving them of blessings from Allah and causing
their prayers to be rejected.

The traditions concerning the signs of the last stage
of time before the return of our 12th Imam (a.s.)
mention “you shall see that music will be so prevalent
that no one will dissuade others nor will he find in himself
the need to do so. And you shall see that music
would be openly played even in the two sanctuaries (the
city of Makkah and Madinah.”

Those who have had the honour to visit the Holy
Land will have witnessed the sound of musical ringtones
being played inside the Haram, beside the
Ka’aba. It is clear how imminent the return of our
Imam is.

Looking at the Quran, we see many verses providing
undeniable evidence that music is haram. In Sura
Mu’minun, Allah describes to us what attributes a
believer. “Successful are the believers... who keep
away from vain words” (23:3) When asked, Imam
Ja’far as-Sadiq (as) said the vain words mentioned
above, is referring to the “words of the musicians.”
In Sura 22, Allah says “avoid the idols, and avoid false
words.” (22:30) These false words the Quran speaks
of, are the words of musicians – the words which
oppose reality and oppose Islam. The same words
that devalue hijab, advertise alcohol, and promote

The Quran also says “There are those who do not
witness vain words. And when they walk past, they walk
by in a state of honour.” (25:72) When the righteous
people pass by a place where music is being played,
they pass by in a dignified manner, uninfluenced and
unimpressed. Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) was passing
by the house of Bishr Haafi, where he heard the
sound of dance and music. At that moment a slavegirl
emerged from the house. The Imam asked, “Is
the owner of this house a free person or a slave?” She
replied, “He is a free man.” Hearing this, the Imam
remarked, “You speak the truth, for had he been a
slave, he would have feared his Master.”
When we compare the words of a musician to the
words of an Imam, we can see why the path of
Ahlul Bayt (as) is the Siratul Mustaqeem.

Our 4th Imam says “The rights of the tongue are that
you consider it too noble to say obscene words. And you
direct it towards good. And you direct it towards benefiting
your religion. And when you see your tongue engaging
in idle talk, you should refrain. Know that the tongue
is the witness to the existence of intellect.” When
speaking about the rights of the ear, our Imam
simply said “Know that your ears are the direct
pathway to your heart.” The subconscious
messages from the music we listen to, which promote
sexual desires, alcohol and drugs, enters and
fills our hearts.

A man of intellect will have a noble tongue. But in
the case of musicians today, who lack shame, selfrespect,
and any sense of nobility, their intellect
must be low. It is no wonder that the pop star’s of
today’s society – who act as role models for many
youths – are alcoholics, on the brink of psychological
breakdown. The reason behind their fall from
the mountain of success, despite having all the
money they could ever need, could only be explained
by a lack of faith and intellect, leaving a
gaping hole in their lives, forcing them to turn to
music, alcohol and sexual desires. Whereas a follower
of Ahlul Bayt (as) doesn’t need music, but
instead fills his heart with the belief in Allah and
love for the Ahlul Bayt (as.) We already have someone
to thank for the bounties and favours showered
upon us, and we have someone to turn to in
times of need. We don’t need music to channel our
emotion or express our love.

When contemplating the punishment regarding
music, we should not look at the sin, we
should look at who we’re sinning against –
The All-Mighty, The Magnificent Allah.

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