Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Life is like a box of chocolates

by Ali Walji

Yes, when Forest Gump said this he was right, in
that each chocolate is different in its own way but
special also. The Quran agrees with the fact that
yes we were made into different tribes and nations
(49:13) but equal in the sight of Allah. The only
difference we have is in our deeds. Surely if we
were all alike how boring life would be. Now when
it comes to judgement day what will our book of
deeds say for us, along with our bodily features
who will witness against us as well. Imagine what
would the walls says if they could speak!

Just remember the life of this world is an allurement
to those who reject faith, and then scoff at
the believers. But the righteous will be above them
on the day of resurrection, for Allah bestows His
abundance to whom He wills. You will not truly
enjoy life unless you treat each day as if it’s the last.
There are men who say “Our Lord, give us your
bounties in this world”, but they will have no portion
in the hereafter. And then there are those
who ask for good in this world and in the hereafter
and for these will be allotted what they have
earned: for surely Allah is quick to take account.

The way I see life is like a train journey in that
there is only 1 destination at the end, but it’s up to
you on which route you take. On some routes
there are delays like the ‘district line’ and this may
hold you back and take you longer to reach your
ultimate goal. Some routes may even take you in
the wrong direction. That’s why before you start a
journey read your map (the Holy Quran). Your
ticket (Prophet saw and his family) is already
bought but the question is do you use it? You have
been given the tools to succeed and all you need to
do is stay on the ‘central line’ (the right path- siratal
mustaqeem). Once on the central line you need to
jump on the ‘northern line’ (to progress yourself
consistently), and keep away from the ‘southern
trains’ as they pull you away from siratal
mustaqeem. InshAllah you will arrive safely. It’s
your journey; choose the line you take wisely!

To improve your life, revive the mind by reading,
relax the body by prayers, and soothe the soul by
reciting Quran. Take time for yourself and put back
a little of what you take out of life. Control your
anger, and don’t give up hope. You must stop wasting
time worrying as all of these are whispers from
shaytan trying to distract you from the remembrance
of the One, true God, who shows you love
and blesses you. But what do we give in return?
Half hearted efforts, rushed prayers, little or no
thanks. Will our efforts really help us and be on
our side on judgement day or will it witness against

One day we all will depart on a journey free of
cost. Don’t worry about seat reservations; it’s confirmed
and the flight is always on time. Our good
deeds will be our luggage, Islam will be our passport,
kalima will be our visa, and the grave will be
our waiting lounge. May you all travel to heaven 1st
class InshAllah.

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